Hog Hunting At Night

Thermal Hog Hunting

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: Gut Shot @PigProblem

Thermal Hog Hunt Report: Guide Kevin Leads Successful Nighttime Adventure

Pig Problem's Thermal Hog Hunt, led by Guide Kevin, recently wrapped up a thrilling and challenging night Hog Hunt that tested the skills of our Hog Hunters. Under the cover of darkness, our team embarked on a 10-hour Hunting Adventure from 7pm to 5am, utilizing the latest thermal imaging technology to track down their elusive targets.

The night was filled with excitement as our team stumbled upon a Massive Sounder of approximately 18 Wild Hogs, presenting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take down these Cunning Creatures. Despite the difficulty of Hunting moving targets, Guide Kevin and his team remained focused and determined.

After a well-placed shot, the team managed to take down one impressive Hog, a testament to their skill and expertise. However, it's worth noting that Hunting Wild Hogs is an extremely challenging endeavor, requiring precision, patience, and repeated practice.

As Guide Kevin pointed out, "Hunting Wild Hogs is not for the faint of heart. It's a rare individual who can hit a target that's running 15 miles per hour and stands only 3 feet tall." The Hunt is truly a test of skill and endurance, making it all the more satisfying when a successful kill is achieved.

If you're up for the challenge and want to put your Thermal Hog Hunting skills to the test, come join Pig Problem's Expert Guides and Experienced Hunters for an Unforgettable Hunting Adventure. Book your spot today and let's see what you're made of!

Guided Hog Hunting In Georgia

Photo: Big Hog Down @PigProblem

Here at Pig Problem Inc we offer Guided Hog Hunting located in Americus, Georgia that uses Thermal Technology to Hunt Wild Hogs. These Wild Hogs are a real nuisance, causing damage to crops, property, and even wildlife habitats. That's where Pig Problem comes in - we offer a Unique Hunting Experience that not only helps to Control The Wild Hog Population, but also provides an Exciting Adventure for Hunters. Book A Hunt today, it’s always a great night when you are Hunting Pigs.

Thermal Hog Hunting

Photo: Dropped 2 Wild Hogs @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led a 1-Night Hog Hunt for Pig Problem, guiding the group through a series of challenging encounters and ultimately Successful Hunts.

After a failed Stalk on Hogs and an elusive Coyote that couldn't be found, the group encountered a single Boar that managed to evade their shot. However, they persevered and were able to drop two Hogs back-to-back later in the night. The first success came when a single Sow appeared, and they were able to bring her down. Subsequently, a smaller Wild Hog emerged to investigate the commotion, leading to a chase before they were able to successfully take the shots.

Despite the challenges faced throughout the Hunt, Guide Capt Max and the group had a great time bonding with friends and creating lasting memories in the Thrilling Outdoors. Reflecting on the night, Guide Capt Max expressed satisfaction with the Successful Hunts and looked forward to leading more Memorable Hunting Experiences for Pig Problem Inc in the future.

No Turkeys Here

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led a 1 Night Guided Hog Hunt at Pig Problem for some high school seniors who were unable to find land for Turkey Hunting, but opted for Hog Hunting instead. Capt Max described them as outstanding young men, eager for their Hunting Experience.

Throughout the night, the Hunters had two encounters with Hogs, but only a small one fell to their shot. Despite this, Capt Max considered it a Successful Hunt, providing the young men with an exciting and memorable experience.

As they wrapped up their Hunt and headed back to their homes, Capt Max couldn't help but feel proud of the Hunters and grateful for the opportunity to guide them on their Hog Hunting Adventure at Pig Problem Inc.

Hunting Hogs In South Georgia

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: It’s Okay Google Just Paint @PigProblem

Photo: Fun Hog Hunts @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led Dan and Karl on a Thermal Hog Hunt at Pig Problem. The night started slow, but after midnight, it seemed as if all Hogs in South Georgia was out and about. Throughout the night, the Hunters took down three Hogs, each shot bringing them closer to their Hunting Goals.

Capt Max was grateful for Dan and Karl choosing to come back to Americus, Ga for another Hog Hunting Adventure with his team. He guided them through the fields, carefully positioning them to take aim and fire at their targets.

Dan and Karl were thrilled with their Successful Hunt, amazed at the Abundance of Hogs in the area. They thanked Capt Max and his team for the fantastic experience and promised to return for more Thrilling Hunts in the future.

Calling The Mighty Pig Gods

Photo: Thank You Pig Gods @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max had been leading Wild Hog Hunts at Pig Problem for years, but this particular night was shaping up to be one for the books. The first night had been long and challenging, with the Hogs proving to be elusive and cunning. But Guide Capt Max knew that perseverance was key in any Thermal Hunt, and he was determined to make the most of the second night of Hog Hunting.

As the group set out into the darkness, the air was thick with anticipation. The Wild Hogs were out there somewhere, waiting to be found. Guide Capt Max called upon the Pig Gods for assistance, knowing that their guidance would lead them to success.

The team moved through the dense underbrush, their senses on high alert. Suddenly, a rustling in the bushes ahead caught Guide Capt Max's attention. He signaled for the group to stop and listened intently. Sure enough, the distinct sounds of snorting and Grunting filled the air.

With expert precision, Guide Capt Max led the group towards the source of the noise. The Pigs were close now, their scent strong in the air. It was time to make their move.

As the Wild Pigs burst from the undergrowth, the group sprang into action. Shots rang out, and the Hogs fell one by one. Guide Capt Max watched with satisfaction as the Pile Of Hogs grew larger and larger. The Pig Gods had truly smiled upon them this night.

As the Hog Hunt came to an end, Guide Capt Max couldn't help but reflect on the thrill of the chase. Every moment of the night had been Milked for all it was worth, and the team had emerged victorious. Another Successful Hunt at Pig Problem Inc, thanks in no small part to Guide Capt Max's expert leadership.

Wild Boar Hunting In Americus, Ga

Photo: Wild Boar Hunting @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led a 2 Night Hog Hunt for Pig Problem, with some interesting experiences to share.

On the first night, they had a long night of guarding the cornfields that were planted, but eventually found a Single Boar rooting in a field. It was a slow start, but they were able to successfully take down the Boar. Guide Capt Max was hopeful that the second night would be more fast-paced and exciting.

The second night brought some challenges as they found themselves scaring away Wild Hogs and taking shots at some that didn't go down and made it into the woods. Despite the difficulties, Guide Capt Max and his group had a fun time Hunting for Hogs and enjoyed the overall experience.

Overall, the 2-Night Thermal Hog Hunt led by Guide Capt Max for Pig Problem had its ups and downs, but it was a memorable Hunting Adventure for everyone involved.

The Ultimate Hog Sniper

Last night, Guide Capt Clayton, also known as Guide Peanut Protector, led this customer on our first Hog Hunt of March for Pig Problem and it was one for the books! They found Pigs in the first field they entered and were lucky enough to drop 4 of them with only one guy shooting. It goes to show that you don't need a large group to handle these Pesky Hogs - you just need someone like Jeff.

Jeff, a surgeon by day, proved to be a Nightmare for the Wild Hogs at night. His precision and skill on the Hunt was unmatched, leaving the Wild Pigs trembling in fear. Thanks to Jeff, the rest of the night was quiet as no more Hogs were spotted, becasue all the Wild Hogs were scared of him.

Reflecting on the night, Guide Capt Clayton acknowledged the unique talent that Jeff brought to the Hunt. He humbly shared, "It’s a blessing and a curse being this good." Here's to many more Successful Hunts and Jeff continuing to be a force to be reckoned with in the World of Hog Hunting.

Americus, Ga Hog Hunting

Photo Night 1: 2 Piggies Down @PigProblem

Photo Night 1: What A Shot @PigProblem

Photo Night 2: You Can Run But You Can’t Hide @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led Dave and Rob on a 2 Night Hog Hunt. They had three encounters, and three hogs were successfully taken down. The first encounter involved a small group of Hogs, but two managed to escape into the woods without being recovered. Guide Capt Max was excited to see how the second night would unfold.

On the second night, a total of three Wild Hogs were taken down. The most challenging Pig of the night expired just five feet from the wood line. Guide Capt Max had to get on his belly and creep in like an inchworm to retrieve it. With the opening to the woods being so small, the guide got stuck, not due to his size but because of his husky build. He called out to the customers to grab him by the boots and pull him out. In their eagerness to help, they ended up ripping off his boots, leaving the guide squirming like a worm being attacked by a bird of prey. Ultimately, it was decided to leave the hog in the woods and forego taking a photo.

Thermal Hunting

Photo: Wild Hog Down @PigProblem

Photo: Hunting In Georgia @PigProblem

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Guide Hank took these guys Hog Hunting. On the second night of Wild Hog Hunting with Joe and Mark. Five Pigs were spotted, with shots fired at two on the second field and three on the third field. As the group was setting up, they stumbled upon a Sounder of Sleeping Pigs, which quickly turned and stared at them. The Hunters acted swiftly, taking down three Hogs before they could react. Despite not encountering any more Wild Hogs for the remainder of the night, it was considered a Successful Hunt with a good amount of Meat Harvested. Guide Hank said these hunters skills were impressive and he hopes to guide them again in the future.