Wild Night

Coyote Hunting In South Georgia

Photo: Hunting Coyotes @PigProblem

Guide Capt Clayton recently led a 1 Night Hog Hunt for Pig Problem, but the night did not go as planned as they were unable to find any Pigs. However, they decided to make the most of the situation by targeting armadillos instead. Their luck took a surprising turn when they were able to successfully take down a Coyote during the Hunt.

Despite the lack of Pig Sightings that night, Guide Capt Clayton and the group remained optimistic, already looking forward to their next Hunting Trip in February. They plan to return with a vengeance, aiming to eliminate all pests and hopefully encounter some Hogs as well.

As the night drew to a close, Guide Capt Clayton reflected on the Hunt and expressed excitement for his upcoming trip to Alaska, where he looks forward to experiencing some cooler weather. The Hog Hunt may not have gone as expected, but the group made the most of it and ended the evening on a positive note. The Peanut Protector signed off, eager for future Hunting Adventures.

Wild Hog Hunting

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Guide Capt Clayton recently led a 1 Night Hog Hunt for Pig Problem, where he guided a grandfather and his grandson from Virginia on a Hunting Excursion. The night started off slow, with minimal Pig Sightings, but Guide Capt Clayton's perseverance eventually paid off.

In the early hours of the morning, around 4 am, they finally came across a Lone Hog, and with a well-placed shot, they were able to bring it down. Luckily, the Wild Hog fell at the tree line, making for an easier retrieval. Upon closer inspection, Guide Capt Peanut Protector Clayton noticed that the Wild Hog appeared to have suffered some injuries, with its balls seemingly bitten off and a peculiar tumor on its neck.

Despite the strange appearance of the Wild Pig, the Hunters were not interested in keeping the meat, and Guide Capt Clayton was relieved. The Successful Hunt may have been slow to start, but in the end, they were able to eliminate a Problematic Hog and provide a Memorable Hunting Experience for the grandfather and grandson from Virginia.

Thermal Hog Hunting

Photo: Dropped 2 Wild Hogs @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led a 1-Night Hog Hunt for Pig Problem, guiding the group through a series of challenging encounters and ultimately Successful Hunts.

After a failed Stalk on Hogs and an elusive Coyote that couldn't be found, the group encountered a single Boar that managed to evade their shot. However, they persevered and were able to drop two Hogs back-to-back later in the night. The first success came when a single Sow appeared, and they were able to bring her down. Subsequently, a smaller Wild Hog emerged to investigate the commotion, leading to a chase before they were able to successfully take the shots.

Despite the challenges faced throughout the Hunt, Guide Capt Max and the group had a great time bonding with friends and creating lasting memories in the Thrilling Outdoors. Reflecting on the night, Guide Capt Max expressed satisfaction with the Successful Hunts and looked forward to leading more Memorable Hunting Experiences for Pig Problem Inc in the future.

Hunting Hogs In South Georgia

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: It’s Okay Google Just Paint @PigProblem

Photo: Fun Hog Hunts @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led Dan and Karl on a Thermal Hog Hunt at Pig Problem. The night started slow, but after midnight, it seemed as if all Hogs in South Georgia was out and about. Throughout the night, the Hunters took down three Hogs, each shot bringing them closer to their Hunting Goals.

Capt Max was grateful for Dan and Karl choosing to come back to Americus, Ga for another Hog Hunting Adventure with his team. He guided them through the fields, carefully positioning them to take aim and fire at their targets.

Dan and Karl were thrilled with their Successful Hunt, amazed at the Abundance of Hogs in the area. They thanked Capt Max and his team for the fantastic experience and promised to return for more Thrilling Hunts in the future.

We Have Candy In Our Hunting Vans

Photo: Hog Down @PigProblem

Guide Capt Clayton shared a humorous post about a recent 1 Night Hog Hunt that he led the last night, showcasing his unique style and approach to Hunting Adventures.

Thees guys are from North Georgia and they are Seasoned Hunters who were familiar with Pig Hunting but had never experienced a Night Hunt with Thermal Equipment, suppressors, and the guidance of a guide who, in certain lighting with his hair grown out, may bear a slight resemblance to Jane Lynch. However, the most essential tool for the Thermal Hunt was a trusty Chevy Hunting Van.

Guide Capt Clayton humorously highlighted the versatility of the Chevy van, describing it as a steel box on wheels that can be used for various purposes. From Hunting to living arrangements, the Chevy van serves many purposes. However, he made it clear not to use it for deceptive purposes, such as pretending to run a candy store to make friends. Clayton humorously emphasized the importance of ethical behavior, stating that lying about having candy is simply wrong.

With his wit and charm, Guide Capt Clayton brought a light-hearted tone to the recount of the Hog Hunt, showcasing his personality and unique perspective on the Hunting Experience.

Wild Boar Hunting In Americus, Ga

Photo: Wild Boar Hunting @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max led a 2 Night Hog Hunt for Pig Problem, with some interesting experiences to share.

On the first night, they had a long night of guarding the cornfields that were planted, but eventually found a Single Boar rooting in a field. It was a slow start, but they were able to successfully take down the Boar. Guide Capt Max was hopeful that the second night would be more fast-paced and exciting.

The second night brought some challenges as they found themselves scaring away Wild Hogs and taking shots at some that didn't go down and made it into the woods. Despite the difficulties, Guide Capt Max and his group had a fun time Hunting for Hogs and enjoyed the overall experience.

Overall, the 2-Night Thermal Hog Hunt led by Guide Capt Max for Pig Problem had its ups and downs, but it was a memorable Hunting Adventure for everyone involved.

Crop Protection!

Photo: Americus Hog Hunts @PigProblem

Hog hunting at Pig Problem in Americus, GA is truly the best and most fun thing to do in the area. Not only is it an exciting and Thrilling Hunting Experience, but it also serves an important purpose during Planting Season for Farmers.

Hunting Hogs at Pig Problem provides an opportunity for Outdoor Enthusiasts to enjoy the Thrill Of The Hunt in the dark setting of the night. With Expert Hunting Guides leading the way, participants can test their skills and enjoy the adrenaline rush of tracking and taking down these elusive creatures.

During Planting Season, Hogs Wreak Havoc On Crops, causing significant Damage to Farmers' Fields. By Hunting Hogs during this time of year, Hunters help protect farmers' livelihoods by Controlling The Hog Population and minimizing crop destruction. This not only benefits the Farmers but also helps maintain the ecological balance of the area.

Furthermore, Hog Hunting at Pig Problem offers a unique and immersive experience that allows participants to connect with nature and appreciate the importance of conservation efforts. It is a fun and rewarding activity that not only provides entertainment but also serves a practical purpose in Supporting The Local Agricultural Community.

In conclusion, Thermal Hog Hunting at Pig Problem in Americus, GA is not only the best and most fun thing to do in the area, but it is also an important activity during Planting Season for farmers. By participating in Wild Hog Hunting, individuals can enjoy an Exciting Outdoor Adventure while contributing to the Protection of Crops and the preservation of the local ecosystem.

Best Hog Hunting In Georgia

Photo Night 1: Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo Night 1: Say Cheese! @PigProblem

Photo Night 2: Dropping Wild Hogs @PigProblem

Guide Hank recounted the 2 Night Hog Hunt he led for this group of customers!

On Night 1, the Hogs were cautious and waited until later in the night to emerge, likely to avoid Hunters. Determined to outsmart them, Guide Hank and his team stayed out as long as necessary to take down the destructive animals. Around 5:30 am, they finally located a sizable Boar and swiftly dropped him with a clean shot, resulting in a great success.

Night 2 showcased the thrill of Full Moon Hunting at its best. After a 2-Hour Hog Stalk, they managed to track down a Wild Pig. Moving slowly and carefully, the Pigs unexpectedly changed direction and moved through a ditch, forcing the team to adjust their strategy and extend the stock. After walking around and finally reaching the spot where the Hogs had relocated, they seized the opportunity for one clean shot and successfully took down a Wild Hog. Guide Hank's unwavering determination and willingness to go to any lengths necessary to Eliminate The Hogs, from long stalking sessions to staying out until sunrise, proved fruitful once again, resulting in another great success.

Thermal Hunting

Photo: Wild Hog Down @PigProblem

Photo: Hunting In Georgia @PigProblem

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Guide Hank took these guys Hog Hunting. On the second night of Wild Hog Hunting with Joe and Mark. Five Pigs were spotted, with shots fired at two on the second field and three on the third field. As the group was setting up, they stumbled upon a Sounder of Sleeping Pigs, which quickly turned and stared at them. The Hunters acted swiftly, taking down three Hogs before they could react. Despite not encountering any more Wild Hogs for the remainder of the night, it was considered a Successful Hunt with a good amount of Meat Harvested. Guide Hank said these hunters skills were impressive and he hopes to guide them again in the future.

Hunting Georgia

Photo: Big Boy @PigProblem

Photo: Hog Snipers @PigProblem

Looking for a unique and Exciting Hunting Experience in Georgia? Try Hog Hunting with Thermal Imaging Technology. With Thermal Imaging, Hunters can easily Track Down Feral Hogs and other game animals, even in low light conditions. Guided Hog Hunting Trips in Georgia provide Hunters with the opportunity to put their Hunting Skills to the test. Join us for a safe and Fun Hog Hunting experience in Americus, Georgia and create memories that will last a lifetime.