Thermal Hog hunts

Calling The Mighty Pig Gods

Photo: Thank You Pig Gods @PigProblem

Guide Capt Max had been leading Wild Hog Hunts at Pig Problem for years, but this particular night was shaping up to be one for the books. The first night had been long and challenging, with the Hogs proving to be elusive and cunning. But Guide Capt Max knew that perseverance was key in any Thermal Hunt, and he was determined to make the most of the second night of Hog Hunting.

As the group set out into the darkness, the air was thick with anticipation. The Wild Hogs were out there somewhere, waiting to be found. Guide Capt Max called upon the Pig Gods for assistance, knowing that their guidance would lead them to success.

The team moved through the dense underbrush, their senses on high alert. Suddenly, a rustling in the bushes ahead caught Guide Capt Max's attention. He signaled for the group to stop and listened intently. Sure enough, the distinct sounds of snorting and Grunting filled the air.

With expert precision, Guide Capt Max led the group towards the source of the noise. The Pigs were close now, their scent strong in the air. It was time to make their move.

As the Wild Pigs burst from the undergrowth, the group sprang into action. Shots rang out, and the Hogs fell one by one. Guide Capt Max watched with satisfaction as the Pile Of Hogs grew larger and larger. The Pig Gods had truly smiled upon them this night.

As the Hog Hunt came to an end, Guide Capt Max couldn't help but reflect on the thrill of the chase. Every moment of the night had been Milked for all it was worth, and the team had emerged victorious. Another Successful Hunt at Pig Problem Inc, thanks in no small part to Guide Capt Max's expert leadership.

Go Dawgs!... I Mean Hogs

Guide Hank recounted last nights Wild Hog Hunting excursion where he led a group on a Successful Hunt. Despite facing multiple challenges, they managed to take down one Pig after taking several shots at a Sounder. It took some time for the Wild Hogs to move into a favorable position, allowing them to approach within 100 yards.

A humorous moment ensued when it appeared that one of the Wild Pigs, perhaps a fan of the Georgia Bulldogs, decided to pose for a quick picture session, borrowing a hat before the Hunters could claim their prize. Ultimately, they were able to Harvest The Pork they were after, for a Successful Hunt.

She Never Sow That Coming...

Photo: Big Girl @HogSWAT

She is an overweight girl who consumes Doritos on a daily basis. If she were a human, she would probably struggle to find someone who genuinely loves her. However, being a Pig, she is adored by her fellow Wild Boars. Observing a large gathering of around 40 Wild Hogs, they all gathered in front of a pivot, except for one, a Hefty Sal who stood apart from the rest. Big girl was brought down be these guys! Book a Wild Hog Hunt today. 

Hog Season Never Ends

Photo: Hog Down @PigProblem

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @PigProblem

Photo: Did someone say CORN?!?!?! @PigProblem

Deer season is finally over!!! We love when Deer Season is over because there is Deer Hunters that Hunt on most of the properties we Hog Hunt. Which means we have to leave different fields at certian times so we don’t interfer with someones Deer Hunt. Last Night Wiid Hogs were everywhere. They had 5 Hog encounters, but we could not stack them up. Grateful to take Micheal, Max, & Nate Hog Hunting. They have been Hunting with Capt Max since the beginning of Pig Problem and we are grateful to have them back!

November Recap **VIDEO**

Thank you for your support and for patiently waiting for our November recap video. We have compiled the best hunts and memories from the month and we hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it. We are truly grateful for all our customers who joined us in November and allowed us to share our passion for what we do. Guiding our customers is a privilege and we appreciate each and every one of you. We would also like to express our gratitude to those who purchased our hog hunting video, we are glad that you can cherish those moments forever. Whether it's family hunts, father and daughter hunts, father and son hunts, couple hunts, corporate hunts, or friends gathering to hunt, we want to thank you for choosing Pig Problem. Now that November has come to an end, we are excited to see what December has in store. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of our December Hog Hunt. Book a Wild Hog Hunt today!

Unlimited Hog Hunts

Photo: Guided Hunts @PigProblem

At Pig Problem Inc, we offer you the opportunity to indulge in Unlimited Hog Hunting. You can choose to share a picture of a Single Hog or showcase your prowess with 10 Wild Hogs to impress your friends. Alternatively, you can purchase a Hog Hunting Video to provide indisputable proof of your hunting skills.

One thing is for sure – every night of Thermal Hog Hunting with us is a unique experience. The number of Hogs you encounter can vary drastically, ranging from 100 Pigs to as few as 2. That's why we highly recommend our 2 Night Hog Hunting Trip, which maximizes your chances of spotting over 20 Wild Pigs.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity. Book your Wild Hog Hunt today, as the hogs are unlimited and ready for the taking.

Hog Hunting In Georgia

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunting @pigprobleminc.

Austin of Southern Star Tree Services on another hunt with us. 6 hogs down for the night in total. Peanut Protector Guide Clayton was able to get them on multiple encounters. He also piled up some hogs for a valentine day photo op. Book A Hunt For your next Hog Hunting Adventure.

Bring In The New Year With Bacon 2022

Photo: Pig Problem Inc. Night Hog Hunting

Photo: Pig Problem Inc. Night Hog Hunting

Hog Hunting on New Years is a great way to celebrate with family. Ricky and Max Guided this family of 9 to some lone boars in the field. A sucessful hunt to end 2021 and bringing into 2022.